Callin’ it Quits

Sorry friends, I’m retiring. Well, I’ve already retired from raiding a few weeks ago, but I’m also not going to be updating the spreadsheet or any guides in the future. This isn’t a reflection of whether or not I agree or disagree with any changes to the game, it’s just gotten old for me. I’ve been playing for eleven and a half years (with a few breaks), and most aspects of the game aren’t as much fun anymore, so I’m moving on.

You should still be in good hands though. Pelinel from Alacrity is taking over the Wowhead guide and Zerotorescue from the Paladin Discord channel is making his own spreadsheet that will likely be better than mine ever was.

That also means I probably won’t be writing here on Sacred Shielding anymore. I’m not entirely shutting it down, but I won’t be making any updates either.

ThanksĀ for reading and good luck in the rest of Legion!